The NET OF INDRA is a visual metaphor that captures the essence of the interdependent and interconnected nature of reality.
It is based on an ancient Vedic image of a cosmic net woven by the god Indra, who hangs a dazzling infinitely faceted jewel at each node of the net. Each jewel reflects every other jewel in the net, creating an infinite array of reflections that represent the infinite diversity of phenomena.
The net also symbolizes the principle of emptiness, which means that nothing exists independently or inherently, but only in relation to everything else. The jewels are not separate entities, but expressions of the same underlying reality.
It also illustrates the concept of interpenetration, which means that each phenomenon contains all other phenomena within itself, and is also contained by all other phenomena.
The net is a dynamic and harmonious whole that transcends its parts, yet manifests through them.
Contemplation of Net of Indra is a beautiful and effective way to envision the omniverse as a web of interbeing and inter-becoming together.
This contemplation has been fruitfully employed for several millennia.