
Dr. Arredondo has been a student and a teacher for his entire life. In medical school the human heart most interested him. After a cardiac research fellowship in which he and his fellows won a Nobel Prize (Physicians for Social Responsibility), he moved onto studying the brain. Not finding the heart he was seeking in the chest or the skull, he studied and published neurobiological research in the lab of Hubel and Wiesel (Nobel Prize Physiology, 1981). From there, Dr. Arredondo moved on to continuous study of the mind wherever he could find material, including psychiatry training, residency, and psychoanalysis.

After psychology also failed to answer his questions, he finally was drawn to eastern psychology (MindScience) where at long last he found his answers. From there he has spent his life exploring the boundary between the unknown and the Unknowable.

Dr. Arredondo teaches online and in 1:1 teaching sessions. You can find links to and PDF\’s of his Q&A\’s, X Spaces, and certain 1:1 recorded teaching sessions below.