Finger pointing toward the Way

For students of the way: Chuang Tzu\’s succinct but impeccable \’finger pointing toward\’ the Way.  Useful also for those trying to decipher Krishnamurti (among others).  It is worth the time and effort it takes to absorb.

\”Beings inevitably affirm something, so they inevitably approve something. No one does not affirm, so no one does not approve.

For this reason, we may bring up the horizontal and the vertical, the ugly and the beautiful, the enormous, the suspicious, the deceitful, and the strange, and the Way comprehends all as one. When there is division, there is definition, but whatever is defined also disintegrates. Whenever there is no definition or disintegration, all things again are resolved into unity.

Only the enlightened know how to comprehend all as unity. Therefore, they do not act except in the context of the totality. The totality is what works; work is efficiency, efficiency is attainment. When you reach attainment, you are near. It is just a matter of depending on this, which is so without our knowing why; this is called the Way.\”

Chuang Tzu


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